FWAG South East Cluster Groups
Winchester to River Test Farm Cluster
The Winchester to River Test Farm Cluster is a group of 35 farmers who look after approximately 35,000 acres of land.
The cluster includes arable, livestock, dairy and mixed farms, with an alliance of large estates, commercial farm businesses and smaller farming enterprises. The cluster recognises the need for environmentally friendly farming and that by sharing knowledge and experience they can both produce food more sustainably and help restore nature.
The cluster’s environmental priorities are to restore:
- Our river and wetland habitats
- Wildflower rich grasslands
- Ancient and native woodlands
- The health of our soils and water quality
These restoration priorities will be met by reducing pollution and abstraction of rivers, enhancing riparian and wetland habitats, linking existing areas of chalk grassland within the landscape, managing areas of ancient woodland while responding to pressures such as ash dieback and deer populations, and adopting regenerative soil practices. For more information, visit the cluster’s website here https://www.winchesterrivertestcluster.org/