FWAG South East Cluster Groups
South Downs Farmers Group
The South Downs Farmers Group was formed in 2016 and is located between Kingley Vale and Old Winchester Hill. The habitats found within the area include chalk downland, coastal and floodplain grassland, woodland, and arable farmland.
The South Downs Farmers Group has 27 members and covers 6,978ha.
The target species chosen by the group include Lapwing, Grey Partridge, Barn Owls, Brown Hare and insect-rich habitats on arable land.
The group have completed a number of training events on their chosen target species and habitats including woodland management training, setting up trials and training on cover crop management to improve soil health, and have helped develop a payment scheme in partnership with Portsmouth Water with the aim to reduce nitrates in drinking water and protect water sources.
Website page: http://southdownsfarming.com/south-downs-farmers-group/
View of South Farm, South Downs Farmers Group