FWAG South East Cluster Groups
Pevensey Levels Farmers Group
The Pevensey Levels Farmer-led cluster group was set up in 2018 and is due to run until mid 2021. It comprises of 52 farmers over an area of approximately 5,000 hectares.
The Pevensey levels is one of the key wet grassland sites in the UK and has two priority habitats: wet grassland and the floodplain grazing marsh and associated fresh water ditches. It is a SSSI and RAMSAR & SAC designated.
The group’s key priority is to extend and link existing habitats to increase connectivity and reduce fragmentation.
Pre-Lockdown there was monthly meetings and spent time undertaking farm walks and talks and ran a very successful lecture programme during the winter months. We hope to be able to resume activities as soon as possible.
Find out more, please visit our website here.
Pevensey Farmer group identifying wetland plant species