FWAG South East Farm Advice
Mapping Service
FWAG South East can prepare a wide range of bespoke farm and estate maps, from simple boundary maps through to all your Countryside Stewardship options on a single, clear definitive map. This visual aid will help you and your team implement and manage projects more efficiently and effectively.
A range of other maps can be produced such as:
- those required for accreditation schemes
- nutrient, soil and water management
- habitat connectivity
- survey plotting
- woodland and hedgerow management
- Countryside Stewardship scenario planning and landscape-scale maps for collaborative working
As the requirements for the new Environmental Land Management become apparent, we’ll start offering natural capital mapping, which will also link to other potential environmental funding sources such as biodiversity net gain and carbon offsetting.
Maps can be produced up to A0 in both print and digital formats. Contact us to discuss your exact requirements.